
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cataclysm- The Death of Rep Grinds?

         We all know the long, rewarding rep grinds of Vanilla, Wrath and BC- Wintersaber Trainers, Kurenai, Skyguard, Zandalar, Oracles and more- Sure, most of the time they weren't integral to progression, but for many they supplied must-have mounts, pets, and 'fun' items, or even just status symbols like Timbermaw or Hydraxxian grinds. After weeks or even months of daily and turnin farming, it was a great achievement to finally get to the end of Exalted. It took a special breed of person to dedicate so many hours to farming, but in Wrath, it all changed.

         WotLK saw the introduction of Rep Tabards. These tabards allowed us to build up reputation towards a faction by killing- well, anything. As soon as you got to Friendly, you popped the tabard into your slot and essentially forgot about it until you saw the green sparklies pop up around your character. While it wasn't a huge blow to rep farmers, as we still had the new Tuskarr, Sons and Oracles/Frenzyheart reps to do, it did make every other faction of the expansion a joke- While-you-wait rep trickles that built up as every player did what they always did. Motivation and dedication was a thing of the past.

        With the introduction of Cataclysm, I had hoped that there would be several things; reps worth grinding, not for gear but for fun stuff like interesting recipes, pets, trinkets, and mounts, and I wanted something difficult. I wanted something to do that would give me the ol' rush like Sha'tari Skyguard or Netherwing did. When the Ramkahen and Guardians of Hyjal were released, I was incredibly excited- but now we know that not only a few, but every single solitary reputation in Cataclysm has a rep tabard, and what's more is that only one awards a vanity item in the form of the Riding Camel. I'm excited for the Camels, but... They're the only non-gear rep reward in the expansion. Not to mention they're so easy to get everyone will have them. Even past the new factions, even the old City factions now have rep Tabards. So yet another achievement (Ambassador) that means nothing anymore. I have also noticed there isn't a single recipie for sale, so I'm left wondering how we are going to get rare recipies.

           Perhaps the most interesting development in all of this is that Blizzard seems to make up for this in terms of PvP rewards, which isn't exactly my idea of a farmable reputation. I don't generally PvP myself, it's not really my thing, so... While it's all fine and good that the PvPers get some (very) cool goodies, it begs the question why rep farmers have been left in the dust. Blizzard also seems to be making up for this in terms of Guild rewards, a system, while cool, can be clunky for the average player and once again doesn't count as factions.

Let's see the rundown of rewards per faction after the jump, shall we?

Earthen Ring

I don't have much to say in terms of gear selection. There isn't much in terms of druid items, and as we don't have >80 greens yet, there's not much in terms of comparison to see how good these really are.

Guardians of Hyjal
The lack of Druid items here is inexcusable. I mean, it's Cenarius' faction- it doesn't make any sense. There isn't a single leather Epic. Furthermore, Moonkin Hatchlings could have easily been a reward from these guys.
Wildhammer Clan/ Dragonmaw Clan
All item stats are identical between factions.


An interesting faction, especially reward-wise. The flavor text on the rings is a nice touch. This one gets a pass in my book but, again, it would have been a nice opportunity for fun items.
         The baffling thing about all of this is that the PvP faction rewards are not PvP-related. In essence, they are all of the mounts, fun items and trinkets that we tend to look for in hard factions. I figure they are trying to get more people into PvP? Let's take a look.

Baradin's Wardens/Hellscream's Reach

Needless to say, I am going to reach exalted with this faction, but honestly? It's not what I was looking for. I understand that many people don't care for farming. I get it. But does that mean it should be taken away from people who do enjoy it? It's not just the fact that none were added- Zandalar and Shen'Dralar were taken away.  I think it would be amazing if Blizzard introduced more factions with future patches and steers away from this anit-farming mentality, it would be amazing, but only time will tell.

Side note: But now, some good news! Those exalted with Timbermaw can now buy Stave of Fur and Claw , a perma-Dartol's Rod, from Meliosh in Timbermaw Hold. And yes, this means Horde can be Furblogs, too.



Anonymous said...

They. Took. Away. Zandalar. They. Need. To. Die.

Kaleesh said...

And I had already farmed so much rep with them, too. Sigh.

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