
Sunday, November 21, 2010


Welcome to my blog! The name's Kaleesh, but you can call me Kal. While my main is a Balance druid, and she'll always be my favorite, my posts will be littered with things about other classes as I am an altoholic- The only class I haven't played is a Warrior. While I raid semi-hardcore on my main I also do lots of rep and mount farming- (82 down, 18 to go!) So you might see posts on that.  I track Blues, TotalBiscuit and MMO-champ obsessively, so you could see updates here. I draw and paint a bit too, so I'll share my art with you guys... and maybe some requests.

While my main spec is DPS, I also greatly enjoy tanking with various classes. I'm probably going to do dungeon-by-dungeon guides for tanking... And the occasional strategy to deal with that horrible PuG you're bound to end up in.

I also like to fiddle around with addons quite a bit. I'm an amateur LUA programmer and I'll often share my UI and my favorite addons.

In short, my blog is going to be varied and you can probably count on something different popping up every time you come here. I hope you'll enjoy it, and I hope to make some friends here! :)
