
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Random Thoughts

          Every once in a while, I'll write a post with all of the ideas I've had for the past few days but have been too small for their own post. This one in particular will cover the new SFK, new Hillsbrad and Desolace impressions, low level mana issues, and Wild Mushroom.

I'm saying this right now: The new normal SFK is awesome. It's been a long, long time since I've had fun wiping on bosses and figuring out strategies as I go. Sure, it's level 22, but in a way that makes it even more awesome. I loved in particular dodging the Ice Shards used my Lord Walden and tossing out HoTs. My only real complaint was the copy/pasting of models and complete lack of worgen fighting, but hey, they explained that by having all Worgen DKs former slaves of Arugal, so I guess it fits.


Hillsbrad is very up and down. While the funny factor is the highest of any zone I've seen yet, it actually gets pretty disturbing at some points. If you don't want to spoil it for yourself, skip this part. The first quest you receive is Welcome to the Machine, where you are questgiver, handing out quests to three player stereotypes- Dumass, the noob, Johnny Awesome <Uber Town>, the idiot twink, and Kingslayer Orkus <Red Like My Rage>, an elitist. One of the rewards is QQ Gloves. Priceless. You actually meet these characters again during your Hillsbrad escapades, and I have to say, seeing Johnny crying over his dead Celestial Steed Twinkles was damn funny. But I'm not sure if it makes up for how hairy the rest of the sludge fields are. They bear a creepy resemblance to death camps. I know they were probably implemented to show how fractured the Forsaken are becoming, but I thought it was a bit much.


A lot of people have had mixed feelings about Wild Mushroom, and, in tandem I have also worried about how much moving around we'll have to do in Cataclysm raids. Shooting Stars and Lunar Shower seem to be our only on-the-move DPS spells. But I have realized that, while the initial placement of the mushrooms is a .5s cast, actual detonation is instant cast. So, theoretically, you could anticipate a high movement phase, place the mushrooms beforehand and detonate them while running around. Qieth in particular wrote a great post on the topic.


I've noticed severe mana problems with low level healers, particularly druids. The only class I've tried that this isn't a problem is Shamans due to their superior first tier talents. So if you're bored and looking to try healing, it'll be the class with the least headache.


Well, it seems my Collector's copy of Cataclysm has gotten lost in the mail. Argh! I hope the login and massive population issues are toned down a bit before I roll my worgen, cuz there's no way I'm letting my first Gilneas runthrough be messy.

See you next time,



Unknown said...

Hehe. its nice to read a set of shorties like that :-) You made a very boring workday a bit more fun. thanks for that!
I found your blog trough BBB and into my list of favorites you went :-) I dont play a boomkin anymore (switched to rogue) but i still like to read a good blog :-)Mind if i add you to my blogroll?


Kaleesh said...

Wow, I don't mind at all! Thanks!

Speaking a rogues, do subs have any hope of being good PvE DPS this expansion? I'm thinking of rolling one... The spec sounds like fun but I've never been one for serious PvP.

Unknown said...

Sub has its advantages. especialy when you dont have a warr or a kitty in group you can bring a nice debuff. and im convinced that a good sub rogue will top a mediocre assasination rogue in pve. the specs are so close together that the playstyle can make up for it.
Besides, its what you have fun playing thats important imo :-)

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